Sunday, November 26, 2006

My first art show


I'm giving a bit shout out and thank you to all my friends, colleagues and the general public who came to look at my art @ the Sportsplex. I made only one sale but I kept a guestbook and had some positive feedback. I was told my art is very ecletic. It was also great to see so many different artistic styles and to talk to other artists about their painting methods.
Please keep posted... I will be updating my gallerywith all the work from the sale.
E-gallery: Visual Kin E-Gallery



Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Nice..I'm the featured artist on

It seems my painting of Peggy's Cove in Technicolour is the featured painting on Local Art. ... a little exciting, eh?

Check it out!

Keep checking back please: I'll have another preview of the "X mas Pottery & Art Sale" & Art lending.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Preview of Nov. Art sale @ Nepean Sportsplex

I've been working too much recently and haven't been drawing/painting as furiously. My new mat cutter is amazing, and my hand is getting steadier after ruining a few mats. It's been nice to finally mat watercolours that have been sitting in a plastic bag neglected for years.

I am selling art at a pre-X-mas art sale on NOV. 25-26.
Where: Nepean Sportsplex
When: Saturday, Nov. 25 @ 11 am-6pm
Sunday, Nov. 26 @ 10 am-5 pm
What: Paintings (watercolour, acrylic), sketches, digital imagery posters

Please come out if you know me or see a painting you like on here.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sunday, September 10, 2006

What kinds of services and artwork will I do?

I am interested in all kinds of projects, but have a keen interest in the following:

  • portraits
  • landscapes
  • abstracts
  • murals
  • movement in captured in art eg. sports, a busy cafe
  • illustration eg. medical
  • illustration for a manual eg. a health/safety eye wash procedure

Mediums that I work with include acrylic, watercolour, pen/pencil, chalk pastel and digital imaging software like Photoshop.

Please email me at if you have any questions.

Karen Chan

Friday, September 08, 2006

New art

I haven't updated in a while. I'm preparing for an art show/sale, and finally painted a watercolour after probably a 10 year drought. It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. Watercolour is a medium where you have to be fearless with your first touch.
ArtSpace gallery is at (please don't steal images).

Cheers... KC

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Anatomy Art/Art in Motion

"Take care of your body, it's the only home you have to live in" --Anonymous

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Thanks so much for all your support

Thank you so much to all my friends, colleagues and total strangers for all the support and the positive feedback. It really means a lot to me. It's always hard starting out: I made my first sale through this site, and I am encouraged to have a springboard for my name/art. Please feel free to leave me a message--especially if you've bought a piece from me.

I look forward to hearing from you and am very excited about the opportunities that will come my way.

Some famous words to sign off

"Give me a museum and I'll fill it." --Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) JDM.NAC --photo credit--K. Williams

“[Happiness is] the full use of your powers along lines of excellence." --JFK (1963)

"Alcatraz" --photo credit--B.Chan

"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world." --George Washington Carver (1864-1943)

--photo credit--Reuters

Thank you! --Karen

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

More acrylic art for SALE

Rugby, acrylic on canvas 24 x 30"

Frog Series, acrylic on masonite, 8 x 10" ---$40-55

Wildflowers, Watercolour
SOLD! Thanks for your support Colleen.

Nested Tree, acrylic on canvas---26 x 30"

Here is more acrylic art for sale. Please email to inquire. Thanks.--KC

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Biggest painting ever!

I just started painting the biggest painting ever! How big you ask? Well, the canvas was so big it didn't fit in the trunk of my poor Sentra. How did I get it home? A random painter between jobs stuffed it in his Ford truck! It was too funny. I'm painting a 36 x 60" picture of a VW Golf: it will have an almost cartoon like, Japanese art inspired background that has a somewhat skewed perspective. What I love about acrylic is how fast it dries, and its transparency like watercolour and its ability to be similar to oil paints in texture.
Here's the photo I'm working from.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Crayon, pastel sur papier

Chalk pastel on black paper

Nude model drawing

David, pencil on Mayfair

Friday, August 04, 2006

Art for a Cause: Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre


These painting are on SALE with ALL proceeds going to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre--probably to prostate cancer research.
  • Daffodils is an 8 x 10 acrylic on masonite
  • Eye of Courage is a medium sized acrylic on canvas
  • Lion Cubs,painted in acrylic, is approximately 20 x 30" (work in progress)

Please email me at to bid. Any amount you think is deserving will be entertained! BIDDING CLOSES SEP. 01.06 ---KC

Starting out

So here I am starting out--looking for ideas, welcoming commissions and the opportunity to meet creative, interesting people or just people in general. Art can be beautiful or butt ugly to different people; it's all in the eye of the beholder. It can mean different things to different people.

I just want to develop a side of me that's been neglected for my 4 years of studying kinesiology at UW. Science is great but...


Photo of the Day: Movement

Cool photo showing the body in movement.

Paintings galore

Peggy's Cove in Technicolour

More acylic art

Some of these paintings will be for sale in the near future. I mostly paint in acrylic but did do a lot of watercolour. It is always hard to part with art, because I feel like I'm selling something personal.
I welcome any critics or fans :) ...positive or negative comments.


--special thanks to Kenny Williams for taking pics of all my art :)

Copyrighted Images © Karen Chan 2006. Some rights reserved.