Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Nice..I'm the featured artist on www.localart.ca/

It seems my painting of Peggy's Cove in Technicolour is the featured painting on Local Art. ... a little exciting, eh?

Check it out!

Keep checking back please: I'll have another preview of the "X mas Pottery & Art Sale" & Art lending.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Preview of Nov. Art sale @ Nepean Sportsplex

I've been working too much recently and haven't been drawing/painting as furiously. My new mat cutter is amazing, and my hand is getting steadier after ruining a few mats. It's been nice to finally mat watercolours that have been sitting in a plastic bag neglected for years.

I am selling art at a pre-X-mas art sale on NOV. 25-26.
Where: Nepean Sportsplex
When: Saturday, Nov. 25 @ 11 am-6pm
Sunday, Nov. 26 @ 10 am-5 pm
What: Paintings (watercolour, acrylic), sketches, digital imagery posters

Please come out if you know me or see a painting you like on here.
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre.
