Monday, September 14, 2009

SOA/P note 2: pain and Fall down or up?

Down or up? Pain or none? Is it a choice? Some days. Some times it is easier to submit to it but pain is in my control. MINDset to challenge patiently or DEADset against change..rolling in misery. It's a choice. I make it everyday. Be patient. Accept my limits. Some days I'm woozy and boozy (not an alcoholic) and foggy and groggy but I choose to rest, get up, be SMART about my goals, careful about my influences and positive that I will my abilities and strength regain.

Leave one. My t spine aches. I barely feel my hands. I should jump in a vat of ice. Numb my pain in my mind and body. Freeze my thoughts. Quiet my mind, my turmoil in my belly. ---Karen Chan

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